Friday, December 19, 2014

knock know who's there?

sometimes you just want to set up a virtual system to see if there are any scans going on your network.
on an ubuntu 14.04 lts server...
 # apt-get install build-essential mail-utils perl

run cpan get the following cpan dependencies:  
 # cpan  
 > install Net::DNS  
 > install Net::Server  
 > install YAML  
 > install MIME::Lite::TT  
 > install Data::Dumper  
 > install Getopt::Long  
 > install Net::IP::Match::Regexp  
 > exit  
place perl script and conf in /usr/local/bin/honey or wherever   
do a little ln action.  
 # ln -s /usr/local/honey/honey.conf /etc/honey.conf  
set background to 1 in honey.conf to make it turn into a background process.  
and... when putting in your ports, if any ports happen to be open when is called, will die.  
 figure them out?  
 # netstat -tpln  
speaking of which look at the honey.conf below, we're going to be opening 
a scad of ports. tune the system:  
 # ulimit -n 70000  
 # echo "32768 65535" >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range  
test it  
 # perl -c should return 'OK'  
start with  
 # perl /usr/local/ --config /etc/honey.conf  
if running via /etc/rc.local :  
 # chmod +x /etc/rc.local  
add the line before exit 0:  
perl /usr/local/ --config /etc/honey.conf  
 # version 1.3  
 package Honey;  
 use MIME::Lite::TT;  
 use Net::DNS;  
 use strict;  
 use warnings;  
 use Data::Dumper;  
 use base qw(Net::Server::PreForkSimple);  
 use YAML;  
 use Getopt::Long;  
 use Net::IP::Match::Regexp qw( create_iprange_regexp match_ip );  
 sub logger($);  
 my $configfile = "./honey.conf";  
 GetOptions ("config=s" => \$configfile);  
 my ($hashref, $arrayref, $string) = YAML::LoadFile( $configfile );  
 print Dumper($hashref);  
 my %config = %$hashref;  
 ### CONFIG   
 my $from_email = $config{'from_email'};  
 my $subject   = $config{'subject'};  
 my $to_email  = $config{'to_email'};  
 my $mailserver = $config{'mailserver'};  
 my $mail_thres = $config{'mail_thres'};  
 my $tempfolder = $config{'tempfolder'};  
 my $lp_ref   = $config{'listenports'};  
 my $background = $config{'background'};  
 my $ih_ref   = $config{'ignorehosts'};  
 my $logpath   = $config{'logpath'};  
 unless ( 1 &&  
     defined($from_email) &&   
     defined($subject) &&   
     defined($to_email) &&   
     defined($mailserver) &&   
     defined($mail_thres) &&   
     defined($tempfolder) &&   
     defined($lp_ref) &&   
     defined($background) &&   
     defined($ih_ref) &&   
     1 ) {  
     die "invalid configuration\n";  
 unless (defined($logpath)) {  
     print STDERR "No logpath given, will default to /var/log/honey.log";    
     $logpath = "/var/log/honey.log";  
 logger("honey init");  
 ### VARS  
 my ($i);  
 my @lports   = @$lp_ref;  
 my @ih     = split(",",$ih_ref);  
 my $ignorehosts = create_iprange_regexp(@ih);  
 my $tempcache  = $tempfolder . "honeycache";  
 my $tempports  = $tempfolder . "honeyports";  
 my $template = <<TEMPLATE;  
 Unauthorized connection noted \n\r  
 Connection details: [% connection_string %] \n\r  
 Source details: [% srcip %] ([% srcip_dns %]) \n\r  
 Timestamp: [% timestamp %]  
 sub post_accept {  
     #print STDERR "post accept in $$\n";  
 sub process_request {  
     my $self = shift;  
     #print STDERR "process request in $$\n";  
     my $connection_info = $self->{'server'}->{'peeraddr'} . ":" . $self->{'server'}->{'peerport'};  
     $connection_info = $connection_info . " --> " . $self->{'server'}->{'sockaddr'} . ":" . $self->{'server'}->{'sockport'};  
     connection_identified( $self->{'server'}->{'peeraddr'}, $connection_info);  
 sub connection_identified ($$) {  
     my $srcIP        = $_[0];  
     my $connection_info   = $_[1];  
     logger("ok we got a connection from $srcIP");  
     my $ref = restore_hash();  
     my %last_email_timestamp = %$ref;  
     my $skip_email = 0;  
     # check if we should ignore this IP  
     if (match_ip($srcIP, $ignorehosts)) {  
         logger("ignoring $srcIP!");  
         $skip_email = 1;  
         return 0;  
     # email max every $mail_thres secs   
     my $current_timestamp = time();  
     if (defined($last_email_timestamp{$srcIP})) {  
         logger("We have already seen a connection from the host before");  
         my $diff = $current_timestamp - $last_email_timestamp{$srcIP};  
         if ( $diff < $mail_thres) {  
             logger("OK so we saw a connection less than $mail_thres secs ago .. skippin email");  
             $skip_email = 1;  
         } else {  
             logger("but it was a long time ago, diff is $diff");  
     } else {  
         logger("we have not seen this IP before");  
     $last_email_timestamp{$srcIP} = $current_timestamp;  
     if ($skip_email) { return; };  
     logger("ok gonna send an email using $mailserver, timeout 60");  
     # reverse dns  
     my $srcip_dns = PTR_lookup($srcIP);  
     # timestamp  
     my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);  
     my $timestamp = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);  
     # SEND EMAIL?  
     my %params;  
     $params{connection_string}  = $connection_info;  
     $params{srcip_dns}   = $srcip_dns;  
     $params{srcip}     = $srcIP;  
     $params{timestamp}   = $timestamp;  
     my $msg = MIME::Lite::TT->new(  
       From     => $from_email,  
       To      => $to_email,  
       Subject   => $subject,  
       Template   => \$template,  
       TmplParams  => \%params,  
     $msg->send('smtp', $mailserver, Timeout => 60 );  
     logger("email sent using $mailserver");  
 sub PTR_lookup {  
     my $tname = shift;  
     my $type = "Reverse (PTR)";  
     my $rr;  
     my $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver;  
     my $query = $res->query("$tname","PTR");  
     if ($query) {  
         foreach $rr ($query->answer) {  
             next unless $rr->type eq "PTR";  
             my $ip = $rr->ptrdname;  
             return ($ip);  
     } else {  
         my $logstring = "Reverse lookup query failed for $tname : " . $res->errorstring . "\n";  
         return ($tname);  
 sub restore_hash() {  
     my %thash = ();  
     if (-e $tempcache) {  
         open(FOO,"<$tempcache") or die;  
         foreach my $line (<FOO>) {  
             my ($ip,$time) = split(":",$line);  
             $thash{$ip} = $time;  
     return \%thash;  
 sub save_hash($) {  
     my $hash_ref = $_[0];  
     my %thash = %$hash_ref;  
     open(FOO,">$tempcache") or die;  
     foreach my $key (keys %thash) {  
         if (defined($thash{$key})) {  
             print FOO $key . ":" . $thash{$key} . "\n";  
 sub logger($) {  
     my $message = $_[0];  
     # LOG  
     open(POO,">>$logpath") or die;  
     print POO get_date() . ": $message\n";  
     # STDERR  
     print STDERR get_date() . ": $message\n";  
 sub get_date () {  
     my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);  
     my $timestamp = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec);  
     return $timestamp;  
 open(FOO,">$tempports") or die;  
 foreach my $lport (@lports) {  
     if ($lport =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)/) {  
         my $startport = $1;  
         my $stopport = $2;  
         if ($stopport < $startport) { die "Invalid config, check the range\n"; };  
         for ($i=$startport;$i<=$stopport;$i++) {  
             print FOO "port $i\n";  
     } elsif ($lport =~ /^(\d+)/) {  
         print FOO "port $lport\n";  
     } else {  
         logger("Invalid port $lport specified");  
 if ($background) {  
     Honey->run(   background => 1,  
         conf_file => "$tempports");  
 } else {  
     Honey->run(conf_file => "$tempports");  
 # honey.conf  
 from_email: me@here  
 to_email: you@there  
 mailserver: smtpserver  
 mail_thres: 60  
 tempfolder: /tmp/  
 subject: Unauthorized connection to knockknock  
 background: 1  
 logpath: /var/log/honeylog.log  
   - 1-21  
   - 23-24  
   - 26-65500  

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