Thursday, July 20, 2017

discover axis webcams when you're clueless

 AXIS cameras have a severe remote compromise bug. I guess the cameras need to be found and patched. But, you know, I don’t recall where they’re at.  
 Let’s find them.  
 I do not remember, off the top of my head, all the subnets around. Happily, I'm in a mixed shop and Active Directory Sites and Services tells me what subnets are which. Cool.  
 On an AD controller, run PowerShell and enable script execution.  
 > Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned  
 Run the following cmdlet:  
 $Sites = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest().Sites  
 $obj = @()  
 foreach ($Site in $Sites) {  
 foreach($sub in $site.subnets){  
  $obj += New-Object -Type PSObject -Property (  
   "site" = $site.Name  
   "subnet" = $  
 $obj | Export-Csv 'ADsites.csv' –NoType  
 The csv output shows:  
 2. AXIS cameras have the following ports open by default:  
 TCP 21,80,554,49152  
 We can use nmap to discover and filter hosts that have the above:  
 $ nmap -p 21,80,554,49152 10.97.232.* -oG - | grep open | awk '!/closed/ && !/filtered/' >> axis  
 However, scanning UPnP port 49152 is unreliable. We could then narrow the ports, but we would be left with a guessing game as to whether or not the system is an Axis camera.  
 Luckily, Axis cameras all have a banner on FTP 21. It is either Axis or AXIS. This works better:  
 $ nmap -sS -sV -p 21 -n -Pn --script banner IPRANGE/CIDR -oG - | grep -i axis >> axis  
 To scan all the ranges, all we need to do is create a file and feed it the CIDR notated networks. I'm only concerned about my isolated networks, HELL and HELLS-GATE:  
 $ vi axis.subnet  
 Now, the completed command would be:  
 $ nmap -sS -sV -p 21 -n -Pn --script banner -iL axis.subnet -oG - | grep -i axis >> axis  

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