it all started out with:
ResourceType instance ID 3 no support ofr hardware device type 20
How to convert VirtualBox OVA to Vsphere OVF
3. Text editor.
First of all, export your virtual machine from Virtualbox. Give the location for the file and save as ova file
After, Install the VMware OVF Tool. I am using the version 3.0.1
Once, the file has been created and the tool is installed.
Open the command line and navigate to the OVF tool folder.
Type the command below : ovftool.exe –lax <source.ova> <destination.ovf>
You can consult the guide for this tool at :
ovftool.exe –lax “C:\Users\ygotame\Desktop\Asterix Now.ova” “C:\Users\ygotame\Desktop\Asterix Now.ovf”
Once the command is complete, you will see three files :
1. Asterix SHA1 Info File
2. Asterix Now.ovf Configuration file
3. Asterix Now-disk.vmdk Virtual Hard drive
Now open, Vsphere client and click to deploy ovf file.
Give the OVF file location and try to upload to the server.
You might this error : Unsupported hardware family virtualbox-2.2
Error: OVF Package is not supported by target: Line 25: Unsupported hardware family 'virtualbox-2.2'.
If it is the case for you, open the ovf file with your favorite text editor.
And, change the line :
with this
To avoid the error message : Line 66: OVF hardware element ‘ResourceType’ with instance ID ‘5’: No support for the virtual hardware device type ’20’
In the same file, modify the item Instance 5:
<rasd:Description>SATA Controller</rasd:Description>
With this
<rasd:Description>SCSI Controller</rasd:Description>
Save the change and try again to deploy
At this time, you will get the error saying the file fail the control of integrity and could be corrupted. As the vpshere sever check the <file>.mf to verify the integrity. We will modify that to make sure the correct information is enter.
For that, download the Microsoft toll that I mention above and extract the file where you prepare. I will dump it at C:\Temp
Now, we need to find out new SHA1 key for <file>.ovf because we made some change. Therefore, open command line and navigate to the place where you had extracted the Microsoft tool.
Execute the command : fciv.exe -sha1 <filename.ovf>
fciv.exe C:\Users\ygotame\Desktop\ItSecure\OVF file new SHA1.png
Now, copy the new SHA1 key 51bd98… and open <filename>.mf
Paste the new value in the file and save it.
Once that has been done, try one more time to deploy the vm machine. This time, it should be working without any issue.